Saturday, January 05, 2013

First I'll tell her that Santa is not real...

The other morning Lucy crawled into bed next to me and said, "When I grow up, I'm going to have big boobs. Right?"

The morning of; the night before...

Click here for a video of Christmas morning...

Povondra Christmas

Jack claims that Todd is the strongest of the three brothers. We don't correct him.

We finally got to meet Trace!


The (only) girl cousins enjoyed their time together. With their long blond hair, it's sometimes hard to tell them apart (at church, Lucy walked by Cole and he asked Danny, "Was that Lucy or Bristol?")


Jack had a blast sledding. Lucy would have gone out more, but she refused to wear the borrowed blue snow pants (because they weren't pink).

Click below for videos of the kids sledding:
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

Gingerbread Houses

Lucy's house had quite a blizzard of candy stuck to its roof. And the gingerbread men in her front yard appear to be drunk.

Wimberly Trail of Lights

Roasting marshmallows, drinking hot chocolate, and watching the Clickety Cloggers do their tap-dancin routine...