Thursday, January 28, 2010


After coming into our room at 5:40...

Mom, I have a tummy ache. I ate too many green beans. At my class, I saw the green beans, and I ate too many of them.

Mom, I'm going to let you sleep longer and keep you safe from bears. If a bear comes in here and tries to scare you away, I will shoot fire on him, don't worry.

When we took Lucy to the doctor's office the other day...

M: Jack, when we go into the doctor's office, I'm going to need you to be quiet so Dad and I can listen to the doctor, okay? I brought you some goldfish.
J: Well, I can't be quiet.
M: Why not?
J: Well, if I'm eating goldfish, they're crunchy, so it will make some noise.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Click here for a video of "Bubble Man Butt Face" Jack and Lucy; finally, Jack has an appreciative audience for his obnoxious behavior.

Click here for a video of Lucy's DJ skills.

Blue Jean Baby

A glimpse of how it could be...

Jack, per his contract, chose not to be photographed


Following my yelling...
"Mom, don't just sit there and whine. Have fun."

"Hey--do you want to listen to my cool music? I have some fun cd's."

Thursday, January 07, 2010


Happy Birthday, Goose! A year ago today you came into the world and headed straight to the NICU, all five pounds of you. I was so excited you were a girl. You scared us by coming so early, but you did great and came home after two weeks.

You've got a sweet smile and a sweet personality, but you also know what you want and when you want it (which is usually RIGHT NOW). I think you're going to be tough, since Jack always brings out the "I must protect myself" instinct in you right before he not-too-gently squeezes your hand (or your head...).

Turns out you've got some food allergies, but you still have (clearly) figured out how to eat. You LOVE meat. Red meat. Atta girl.

You're crawling around everywhere and pulling up on everything, but walking does not seem to be in your immediate future.

You don't talk too much, but you have a couple words ("ba" for "ball", "mama", "dada", and "ja" for "jack"). When you do talk, it comes out as almost a whisper. When I ask you where your cow toy is, you say "mmmm" and go look for it. Genius.

It's so much fun watching you grow and change each day. You make our family complete. I love you so much, sweet girl.

Click here for a video of the classic birthday cake debacle...apparently you're not a fan of gluten-free cake. Me neither. (Jack, however, seems to enjoy it quite a bit.) Also, I promise not to celebrate your second birthday five minutes before bed time.


Jack has no idea how to play soccer, but he's signed up for a team. Pretty excited. I wonder if three-year-old soccer is as painful to watch as girls' basketball. I'll let you know.