Jack's latest obsession is walking Bones. BY HIMSELF. He doesn't like it when I try to hold on to the leash at the same time. Usually Bones ends up walking Jack, although she's pretty good about going slow. Jack has scraped up knees as proof of his "must hold on to the leash no matter what" mentality. Click here to watch a video of the two of them.
Another one of his obsessions is music. He has a Fisher Price boom box (I think that's an eighties term...not sure if the kids today even know what a boom box is, what with all their high-falutin mp3 players and cell phones and crack cocaine and all) that he rocks out to, dances, spins around in circles, etc. The other morning he was on the floor listening to his tunes when I picked him up to put him in his chair for breakfast. He FLIPPED OUT. As soon as I put his boom box on his tray, however, life was good again. Here's a video...