That's what you say when I ask you how old you are. "Doo." You also know your name and how strong you are. I can't believe another year has gone by already. You seem to change daily. We've been working on counting (you have the right sing-song tone to your voice, but everything is "dee"--which is your way of saying three..we'll work on that) and colors (everything seems to start out as red). You like things in order, you're shy around new people, and you know how to be sneaky (by claiming innocence and then smirking with a sideways glance). I never knew someone so young could understand manipulation. And be so charming at it. You're also a drama queen. The slightest injury is a traumatic experience for you. You request ice at the slightest bump, and moan for days about a scraped knee (often pointing at the wrong one...). You can be serious, funny, cranky and sweet in a matter of minutes.
I love you so very much, Little Man, and am thankful for you every day. Happy Birthday. I can't wait to see what this next year brings out in you.
xoxo Mama