Tuesday, June 29, 2010

And then there's the girl one

Ah, Lucy. She'll be 18 months next week, and is growing more independent each day. And bossy. She's going to be tough, Jack has made sure of that. She has a very soft, breathy voice when she talks, and a very loud voice when she screams. Mallarie babysat for us the other night, and Lucy was not happy about us leaving. Apparently she cried at the front door for a few minutes until Mallarie opened the door to show her we were not there. Then Lucy requested to be put in her crib and covered with her blanket until she calmed herself down. After a few minutes she requested to be let out, and then she was fine. Did I mention she's only 18 months?

Another funny story...I went to get her out of her crib the other morning and she was crouched down, but standing. When I walked in, she waved her hand in front of her face and said "Wee Ooh." Sure enough, she had pooped. And she was right, it did not smell good.

Click here to see a video of Lucy when asked if she wants to go to bed or stay up and play...


The past year has had its share of difficulties with this one. He's very stubborn, very smart, very OCD, but also very sweet and funny when he wants to be. The last few days I've noticed an improvement with how he treats Lucy--they actually play together and it turns out he CAN be nice to her! Jack and I spent the day together yesterday--mowed the lawn, went out to lunch, went to see Toy Story 3 (first time he'd been to a movie theater). It was really nice to have some one-on-one time.

There are some random funny comments/conversations that I've been meaning to write down, and I know I've forgotten many, but here are a few...

(After he buckles his seat belt)
Jack: Let's rock and roll!

Me: How's your lunch?
Jack: It's delicious.
Me: How do you like Reese's Pieces?
Jack: Love 'em.

Jack: Mom, even though Jay is four now, he's still small.
Me: Yeah, some people are small and some people are big.
Jack: Yeah, some people are small and some people are big. That's just how life works.

(Jack was talking into his toy walkie talkie)
Me: Who are you talking to?
Jack: Nanny.
(A few minutes go by)
Me: Who are you talking to now?
Jack: I'm still talking to your mom.

Jack put on some goggles tonight and asked that I take a video of him. Click here to watch...
I don't think I've ever met anyone quite like Jack. Except maybe his cousin John...

White Trash Saturday, Ain't Nothin Wrong With That.